Benvinguts // Welcome!

Hola a tots,

doncs sí, al final m'he decidit i he obert un blog perquè aneu seguint el meu treball fotogràfic. Espero que us agradi!

Hello to everybody,

finally I have decided to create a blog to follow my photo work. Hope you like it!



Una mostra de què es pot veure per Camprodon!

This is Camprodon, a little village in the Pirineos Mountains. I will be out for a couple of weeks due to my job. I hope to capture more pics in the place where I go!

Ce village est Camprodon, dans les Pyrenées catalans.
Este pueblo es Camprodón, en los Pirineos catalanes.

4 comentarios:

  1. beautiful! the waterfall is very beautiful but my favorite is when even the flowers! bye...

  2. A beautiful place and great photographs.

  3. Molt bonic Camprodon. Molt bones las fotos.


  4. So much beauty. =) The bridge, waterfall, and scenery are gorgeous! The marigold flowers are stunning! We grow them in our gardens here. I love their fragrance. I love the architecture of the building in your last image.
