Benvinguts // Welcome!

Hola a tots,

doncs sí, al final m'he decidit i he obert un blog perquè aneu seguint el meu treball fotogràfic. Espero que us agradi!

Hello to everybody,

finally I have decided to create a blog to follow my photo work. Hope you like it!


The Legend of the Horse Bernard

The legend of The Horse Bernard "THE HORSE Bernard on top of all the most famous mountain of Montserrat is undoubtedly the horse Bernard. The legend of its origin says that a woodcutter who had to carry bundles of firewood to the devil Llobregat give him a horse named Bernard, quick as a flash, to assist it in this work. 'Bernard Knight, Bernard Knight, low fuel to the Llobregat' said the woodcutter says the horse. But who makes pacts with the devil must give something in return. The condition imposed by the devil was that after ten years of providing the woodcutter had another horse with similar characteristics. The woodcutter became rich thanks to the help of Bernard horse but the day they met ten years, devil reminds you of the promise that the woodcutter had forgotten. Given this, his wife prayed to the Virgin and a light filled the place. After the scare, the Devil and Bernardo's horse had disappeared and in its place stood a stone pointing to the sky."

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